Edmund Kowalski
Photography, Painting
Born in western Pennsylvania “mid century,” Ed Kowalski earned his B. A. in philosophy at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh. He believes the philosophy studies have helped give his work focus, direction, and meaning. An exhibiting artist since 1972 across much of the U.S., his work is in collections in more than 20 states and in Canada and Great Britain. Since 1973 he has lived in Missouri. In 1983 he served as President of St. Louis County Art Association. He was an Exhibit Coordinator for Queeny Park Art Fairs, St. Louis, for approximately ten years. A unique limited palette of only four pigments is used in acrylic paintings with a wide range of apparent color and a distinctive look of light and atmosphere. His love for photography dates back to the 1964 New York Worlds Fair, but he began publicly exhibiting photos in 2000. Many images are film-based, working with an extensive collection of cameras and accessories, some antiques. Whether film or digital, he prints final images digitally on archival materials. He often exhibits his paintings and photos together.