Show Description:
The Greater St. Louis Art Association proudly presents the ART FAIR AT QUEENY PARK. The art fair is held inside the spacious, climate-controlled Greensfelder Recreation Complex in Queeny Park at 550 Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO 63011.
​Free parking is provided for artists and customers.
Clay, Digital Art, Drawing/Print, Fiber (non-wearable), Fiber (Wearable), Glass, Jewelry, Mixed Media-2D, Mixed Media-3D, Oil/Acrylic, Photography, Sculpture, Water Media, Wood
Deadlines and Important Dates:
Applications Open
May 1
Application Deadline
July 1
Notification Date
July 15
Booth Payments Due
August 1
No booth refunds after
August 7
Event Dates
September 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Entries will be accepted via Zapplication beginning May 1. Application Fee can be paid by using PayPal or by mailing a check made out to Greater St. Louis Artists or GSLA. Entry Fees are non-refundable.
If you are unsure where your work fits among entry categories, use your best judgment. Your jury score is what matters. The best way to insure your best score possible please have professional photos to show you work to its best advantage and make sure the category you select is the best fit for your work.
The wait list will consist of artists whose scores qualify them for acceptance if cancellations occur. Several factors are considered when a cancellation occurs including compatibility with the category and style of the originally accepted artist.
Payments can be paid through PayPal, with or without a PayPal account, or by check(s). ​Make checks payable to Greater St. Louis Artists.
Application fee is the only payment needed until the artist is accepted into the art fair.
If artist chooses to pay with a check, artist's name must clearly printed on each check; a business name without the artist's name is not acceptable. If you apply in more than one category, acceptance in one category does not guarantee acceptance in the second category.
A number of corner and extra large booths (8'x15') are available on a first come first serve basis. These will be available when paying booth fees. It is best to pay early to acquire the booth configuration you desire.
Jury Image Requirements:
You must submit four images representative of your artwork and one of the booth you will be presenting at the show. Digitally manufactured booth images are not acceptable and will lower your jury score. Failure to follow requirements may result in your images not being viewed!
Baseline JPEG (.jpg) format (not Progressive JPEG format)
sRGB color space for greatest accuracy in color when images are viewed.
Pixel dimensions: Jury will view them at 700x700. We will accept minimum 600x600 and maximum 1920x1920 pixels.
Maximum file size 3mb per image. Minimum file size 300kb.
After Entry is Submitted:
Artists notifications will be sent via Art Fair At Queeny Park's Zapplication, so please make sure their email address is included in your "safe senders" list to avoid it being sent to your spam folder.
Booth/Display Rules:
BOOTH OPTIONS All display items and artwork must be within the allotted booth space.
Regular Booth - 8ft Deep x 10ft Wide
XL Booth - 8ft Deep x 15ft Long
Limited corners in both configurations are available on first come, first serve basis when paying for booths.
Artists must set up a stable display with professional appearance within the above dimensions. There will be Art Fair committee members checking to see that all booths meet all specified requirements. This includes making sure that only the medium for which the artist was juried is being shown. If any items are deemed to be outside the artists juried medium then they will be asked to remove said items immediately.
Artists are to be present during all show hours.
The walls for all booths must fully cover the back and 2 sides (back and one side for corner booth).
Artists are responsible for providing their entire display, including any chairs the artist will use. Due to health considerations, NO strong scents or perfumed products will be permitted.
NO open flames are allowed by order of the fire marshal, .
Live music will be provided at the show. Recorded or live music played in booths is not permitted.
Electricity is provided free of charge to all artists. Artist-supplied lighting is recommended to showcase your work.
Total electricity allowance is 300 watts per booth and may not be exceeded. This includes all lights, credit card machines, electronic displays, fans or any other electrical devices. To figure out your total watts, add the watts of each device. Six 50-watt light bulbs equal 300 watts.
​Storage for a small amount of packing materials/back stock is available for use by artists and is covered by the booth fee.
Instructions to GSLA Members:
Greater St. Louis Artists JURIED members are eligible for waiver of one application per show. To be exempted from this fee a coupon code will appear in a popup window when answering "yes" to the "are you a juried member?" question. The juried members enter the coupon code in the coupon code box when checking out. This does not apply to the booth fee. All juried member applications will be verified before being juried.
By Submitting this Application:
By submitting this application, the artist agrees to release from and indemnify against all claims the Greater St. Louis Artists and the St. Louis County Department of Parks and Recreation for loss or damage to property and/or bodily injury.
Artist attests that all items sold are their own original works and their jury images accurately depict the complete body/bodies of work they will display and/or sell at the show.
Artist agrees to comply with all the rules and regulation stipulated in this application.
Artist agrees that jury images may be reproduced for publicity purposes.
Image Details:
1. Failure to meet any of the image requirements will result in your images being rejected, or being viewed incorrectly.
2. The art fair committee strongly advises artists to have images of professional quality that are clear and sharp.
3. For maximum image quality, we recommend sizing your images to no less than 700 pixels on one side. Zapp recommends 1920 pixels on the longest side.
4. Larry Berman has web sites that describe how to prepare images for Zapp using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. For more information see or consult a professional photographer.
5. Maximum file size is 3mb. If your file is too big, you can save it at a lower JPEG quality number or resize it to smaller pixel dimensions. YOUR FILE SIZE MUST BE AT LEAST 300kb.
Images will be used for booth review prior to the show to ensure that the jury images are representative of the work displayed and booth presented.
​WARNING: if your artwork or booth image does not reflect the quality of your jury images, you will be asked to leave the show and not be invited back. Mass-produced or kit-built work is NOT acceptable.
​Jury images may be reproduced for publicity purposes.
Artwork and Submission Rules:
Artists may display and sell only their own original work and only if that work has been
juried into the show. -
No work from commercial molds or copied molds.
No items solely assembled from or featuring work by others, such as purchased kits.
Artwork displayed or for sale must be in the category accepted by the jury.
JEWELRY may be displayed and sold only by those accepted in the Jewelry category. We will have people checking before and during the show.
You may apply in multiple categories, such as Glass and Jewelry. But each entails a separate entry. Maximum is 3 entries per artist.
All hanging 2D work must be properly mounted or framed.
Matted work may be displayed neatly in bins.
2D reproductions must be labeled as reproductions and may not comprise more than 50% of booth content.
All work must be for sale.
Images must reasonably represent the style and quality of the artwork to be sold. Selling or showing items not accepted by the jury process, will not be tolerated.
Jury images will be compared to actual booth content. Artists will be required to remove work not representing the style, quality or category of the jury images submitted.
For the benefit of both artists and patrons, the rules described above will be strictly enforced. Any artist who does not comply completely with all rules, will be asked to leave the Art Fair, booth fee will not be refunded and the artist will not be invited back for future shows.
The Jury Process:
The anonymous jury is composed of professional artists and gallery owners that reflect the categories accepted into the show.
Images are viewed by entry category. Each set of images is viewed first with all art images at once, then as individual images. The jurors do not see the names of the artists.
Each entry is scored on a scale of 1- 10 (1 being lowest). The cutoff score for a category may vary depending on the overall scores and total number of entries in that category.
The show committee directors will determine the final composition of the Art Fair by setting the number of artists accepted in each category.